• Testimonials

    Listen, Connect, Support

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    Throughout our own journey with our daughter, we came to understand the importance of being listened to. We often felt misunderstood, simply because we felt people wouldn't listen to us.

    We believe that parents are thé best resource for their children! We can make a difference in the life of our children.


    We believe in creating a space where parents can explore their own thoughts and feelings about the situation they are in. Just to get clarity about which way you want to go with your child. With that clear state of mind, it will be easier to find your way and to make choices that are sustainable.

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    "The Dialogue process is helping me change my relationship with myself. I never knew I had judgements on top of judgments, overlaying judgements about how I talked to myself. It was a wake up call to me to see how much I tell myself to doubt my assets. But, with a loving mentor like Ulrich sitting next to you, fully present and asking questions that encourage my own answers, I dug deep to find new beliefs that I am a super woman with myself and take amazing care of my life. What a life-changing shift! Thank you Ulrich".


    Emily F.

    Naturalist, Educator

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    "Ulrich gives you his full attention during a dialogue and someone who listens is not always easy to find. His kindness puts you at ease and in that ease you find a clear mind and possibly your best life yet".


    Cynthia N. Mpsy


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    "The dialogue is the most effective method I have found of quickly identifying the beliefs that lay beneath my feelings and behaviors. In just a few sessions, I am able to accomplish what years of regular talk therapy has failed to do, identifying the core beliefs fueling my unhappiness and disempowering behaviors so that I can examine and change them. This step is the key to making real change in my life. Ulrich van Werkhoven is a highly skilled mentor in facilitating dialogues, in my experience working with him. His compassion and complete dedication to providing a loving, nonjudgmental space for me to explore my belief system allowed me to make powerful breakthroughs in my personal growth and let go of limiting beliefs. His warm and enthusiastic attitude is highly infectious. I wholeheartedly recommend him".


    - Mieke E., Writer & Educator

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    "In de dialogen heb ik Ulrich ervaren als een rustige aanwezigheid die mij vooral de ruimte liet om mijn eigen ontdekkingen te doen. Zijn kritische en goed getimede vragen waren een vriendelijke aanmoediging of uitnodiging om nét iets verder te denken.

    Door mij steeds terug te geven wat ik nu eigenlijk zei, kon ik in de spiegel kijken en zelf beslissen of ik wat ik daar zag, wel geloofde.

    De gesprekken hebben steeds iets wezenlijks veranderd. Een zachter oordeel, een bredere blik of een nieuw perspectief. En daardoor nieuwe keuze".


    Merel E.

    Life Coach